I have a sand filter, and I just replaced the sand this season. The pool was running awesum, and then I vacuumed it and my return water pressure is low, what could the problem be.
I have disconnected every hose to check for clogs. I even took the top of the filter off and put the garden hose down the filter pipe and all the warm water from the bottom of the filter started coming up to the top where I could feel it.
Aug 31, 2016 Rating
Not much pressure in pool by: Emanual
I just replace the sand and the pipe that connects to the multiport inside the sand filter because was broke and sand was getting in the pool but now when I start the pump the pressure on the return line is great but after 30 minutes is barly anything coming out I check everything no bubbles in the pump, no leak, water is about half way on the skimmer I don't know what to do.